Law Office of Bhashini Weerasinghe
Awards and Community Involvement
Attorney Bhashini Weerasinghe is active in the legal community, belongs to several professional organizations, and has received multiple recognitions for her work. Awards

♦ June 2024, Bhashini was recognized as one of the WOMEN OF INFLUENCE IN LAW by the San Diego Business Journal.

         The San Diego Business Journal will publish a section celebrating female trailblazers in law by highlighting their careers and accomplishments.

♦ June 2023, Bhashini was recognized as one of the WOMEN OF INFLUENCE IN LAW by the San Diego Business Journal.

         The San Diego Business Journal will publish a section celebrating female trailblazers in law by highlighting their careers and accomplishments.

♦ June 2022, Bhashini was recognized as one of the WOMEN OF INFLUENCE IN LAW by the San Diego Business Journal.

         The San Diego Business Journal will publish a section celebrating female trailblazers in law by highlighting their careers and accomplishments.

♦ March 2022, Bhashini was rated as a RISING STAR by Super Lawyers.

Super Lawyers use a patented multiphase selection process to evaluate attorneys chosen for the Rising Stars list.  No more than 2.5% of the lawyers in a state are named for this prestigious award.

♦ June 2021, Bhashini was recognized as one of the WOMEN OF INFLUENCE IN LAW by the San Diego Business Journal. The San Diego Business Journal will publish a section celebrating female trailblazers in law by highlighting their careers and accomplishments. ♦ March 2021, Bhashini was rated as a RISING STAR by Super Lawyers.

Super Lawyers use a patented multiphase selection process to evaluate attorneys chosen for the Rising Stars list.  No more than 2.5% of the lawyers in a state are named for this prestigious award.

♦ September 2020, Bhashini was awarded SERVICE TO DIVERSITY AWARD by San Diego County Bar Association.

Recognizes outstanding service by a member of the legal profession over a substantial period of time in promoting and encouraging diversity within the legal profession or the legal community.

♦ March 2020, Bhashini was rated as a RISING STAR by Super Lawyers.

Super Lawyers use a patented multiphase selection process to evaluate attorneys chosen for the Rising Stars list.  No more than 2.5% of the lawyers in a state are named for this prestigious award.

♦ April 2019, Bhashini was rated as a RISING STAR by Super Lawyers.

Super Lawyers use a patented multiphase selection process to evaluate attorneys chosen for the Rising Stars list.  No more than 2.5% of the lawyers in a state are named for this prestigious award.

♦ May 2018, Bhashini received the JUDGE JUDY KEEP AWARD by California Western School of Law’s Community Law Project.

The Judge Judy Keep Award is given each year to a Community Law Project volunteer who has demonstrated dedication, commitment, and compassion in the furtherance of justice, equality, and community empowerment. Judge Keep was a compassionate and inspirational federal district court judge, who, through her leadership and service to the community, broke down gender barriers in our city. Judge Keep began her career representing indigent persons and continued to strive for equity under the law in her work as a judge.

♦ March 2018, Bhashini was rated as a RISING STAR by Super Lawyers.

Super Lawyers use a patented multiphase selection process to evaluate attorneys chosen for the Rising Stars list.  No more than 2.5% of the lawyers in a state are named for this prestigious award.

♦ April 2017, Bhashini was chosen as BEST OF THE BAR 2017 by San Diego Business Journal.

San Diego Business Journal selects attorneys who are chosen by their peers as the most outstanding in their field.

♦ January 2017, Bhashini was rated as a RISING STAR by Super Lawyers.

Super Lawyers use a patented multiphase selection process to evaluate attorneys chosen for the Rising Stars list.  No more than 2.5% of the lawyers in a state are named for this prestigious award.

♦ January 2016, Bhashini was rated as a RISING STAR by Super Lawyers.

Super Lawyers use a patented multiphase selection process to evaluate attorneys chosen for the Rising Stars list.  No more than 2.5% of the lawyers in a state are named for this prestigious award.

♦ April 2015, Bhashini was chosen as BEST OF THE BAR 2015 by San Diego Business Journal.

San Diego Business Journal selects attorneys who are chosen by their peers as the most outstanding in their field.

♦ January 2015, Bhashini was rated as a RISING STAR by Super Lawyers.

Super Lawyers use a patented multiphase selection process to evaluate attorneys chosen for the Rising Stars list.  No more than 2.5% of the lawyers in a state are named for this prestigious award.

♦ July 2014, Bhashini was chosen TOP ATTORNEY in ESTATE PLANNING by the San Diego Daily Transcript.

The San Diego Daily Transcript conducts a peer voting process to determine the best lawyers in private, corporate, academic and government practice in San Diego County in key categories.

♦ November 2013, Bhashini was nominated as one of SAN DIEGO’S OUTSTANDING 2013 YOUNG ATTORNEYS by the San Diego Daily Transcript.

The San Diego Daily Transcript conducts a peer-nominated process to determine the best young attorneys in San Diego County who are: Hard-Working & Detail-Oriented, Knowledgeable & Enthusiastic, Ethical & Professional, and Committed to Furthering the Interests of Justice in Society.

♦ 2011, Bhashini was awarded WILEY W. MANUEL AWARD by State Bar of California.

State Bar of California gives this award to individuals who volunteer for at least 50 hours of pro bono legal service.

♦ 2011, Bhashini was awarded the DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD by San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program.

SDVLP gives this award to individuals who volunteer for at least 150 hours of pro bono legal service.

♦ 2010, Bhashini was awarded WILEY W. MANUEL AWARD by State Bar of California.

State Bar of California gives this award to individuals who volunteer for at least 50 hours of pro bono legal service.

♦ 2010, Bhashini was awarded the DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD by San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program.

SDVLP gives this award to individuals who volunteer for at least 150 hours of pro bono legal service.

Community Involvement   ♦ 2021 – Present, Board of Director of Children’s Legal Services of San Diego. The Children’s Legal Services of San Diego protects and defends the rights of children and youth in the child welfare system through high- quality and compassionate legal representation.  CLSSD is a non-profit, interdisciplinary organization that consists of four law firms, which are                             court-appointed to represent both minors and non-minor dependents in Juvenile Dependency Court within and out San Diego County. ♦ 2018 – Present, Director of SDCBA-ACC Diversity Fellowship Program.

The SDCBA-ACC Diversity Fellowship Program (DFP) provides full-time first-year law students and part-time second-year law students with 8-10 weeks paid fellowship with a prominent employer in town.  DFP was created to assist employers to find talented diverse law students and thereby help bridge the gap and better reflect the diversity we see in our community and in the clients we serve.

♦ 2010 – Present, Member of San Diego County Bar Association.

The San Diego County Bar Association is the hub of San Diego’s diverse legal community.  SDCBA represents San Diego County’s legal community, serving the public and the profession.

♦ 2010 – Present, Member of Lawyers Club of San Diego.

Lawyers Club is a bar association dedicated to raising the status of women in law and in society.

Bhashini has served on the Board of Directors for Lawyers Club of San Diego. She has also served as the Vice President of Programming (2015-2016), Secretary for the Board of Directors (2014-2015), Co-Chair for the Annual Golf Tournament (2014-2015), Co-Chair for the Annual Red, White & Brew fundraiser (2013-2014), Co-Chair of Diverse Women’s Committee (2011-2013), Co-Chair for the Communications Committee of the Human Trafficking Task Force (2014-2015), as well as an active member of number of committees since she joined Lawyers Club in 2010.

♦ 2016 – 2019, Barrister at the Louis M. Welsh Inn of Court.

The Louis M. Welsh Inn of Court, founded in 1983, is part of the American Inns of Court (AIC).  AIC are designed to improve the skills, professionalism and ethics of the bench and bar. AIC is an amalgam of judges and lawyers who meet approximately once a month, both to “break bread” and to hold programs and discussions on matters of ethics, skills and professionalism.

♦ 2012 – 2016, Bhashini has served on the Board of Directors for Women of Color in the Law.

WOCL is a bar association dedicated to promoting and supporting diversity within the legal community.

♦2012 – 2014, she served as a Member of San Diego County HIV Health Services Planning Council representing the North County seat.  She was also a Member of the Priority Settings Committee.  She was appointed to the Council by the Board of Supervisors for the County of San Diego.

The Planning Council is responsible for planning services for people living with HIV/AIDS in San Diego, and for allocating funding for these services under the federal Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 (RWTEA), Parts A and B.

The Priority Setting Committee reviews, analyze and consider available data, and make recommendations to the Planning Council based upon that data regarding service priorities, service delivery and funding allocation by service category.